

ALPHA FACADE is a facade coating for residential and industrial buildings. The coating reflects 93.5% of TSR and up to 97% of visible light, thus preventing overheating of the building in summer months and preventing heat leakage from the building in winter months. The coating contributes to significant energy savings for cooling or heating the building, thereby saving and reducing the carbon footprint. The coating resists atmospheric effects, acid rain and other standard environmental weather conditions. Due to its properties it provides excellent protective and aesthetic properties.

EAN 0745604060240

Main features

  • Facade coating
  • In the winter months, it prevents heat from escaping from the building
  • In the summer months, it prevents the building from overheating and creates a pleasant climate inside
  • Significantly reduces energy costs for cooling or heating


  • 96% whiteness - matte white
  • Possibility of colouring with water-based paste according to RAL


18 litres / 9.88 kg



ALPHA FACADETechnical data sheet
ALPHA FACADEGeneral application manual
ALPHA FACADEDeclaration of performance
ALPHA FACADE, Reflective insulating coatings
Český výrobekŠetří energiiSnižuje uhlíkovou stopu

The use of revolutionary reflective Insulating Coatings